Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of January 23rd

Dear Parents,

We had a lot of fun learning how to program the Beebots with algorithms.  We will be doing that this week as well!  I posted a bunch of pictures on Instagram if you are interested in looking. mrsrobertsfirsties is the name of my our class' Instagram page.  It is a private account so you will have to ask to join.

I benchmarked all students on Thursday.  I will be sending a copy home of their scores this week with report cards.  Please look to see their growth from Fall to Winter.  I am very proud of all of their hard work.  We have a lot more work to do, so we will keep pressing on!

This week:

Reading - drawing conclusions, fluency, phonemic awareness, context clues, syntax and semantics, predictions, punctuation

Vocabulary - recycle, waste, inspire, resourceful, structure

Spelling - Week 17
Bonus:  inspire

Writing - Learning how to write a personal narrative using transition words

Science - using algorithms to program a robot

Math - Subtraction strategies (I sent home a practice packet that goes with the chapter.  You can use this for extra practice at home).

Star Student - Brittany Tornow

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Making Words
Wednesday - Music, Library, Early Out
Thursday - P.E., Making Words, Report Cards Go Home, Science with Robots
Friday - Art, Spelling Test

Thanks and have a great week!

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