Sunday, May 14, 2017

May 15 - 19

We have had a great time on our last two field trips!  This week we do not have any so we will have a pretty normal week. :)

Reading - phonemic awareness, summarize, cause and effect, fluency, phrasing

Vocabulary - construct, material, collapse, company, entire, toppled, wreck, welcoming

Spelling - See week 30 (It's our last test!!)
Bonus:  construct

Writing - reviewing informative, narrative, opinion

Math - Finishing Addition and Subtraction of Two Digit Numbers

****There will be no more reading bag homework.  We are going to get books in and take an inventory of what we are missing.  If you have any books at home that were sent home as homework, please return them.  We will still have reading groups but just not bring the books home.

****The students have "graduated" from Making Words Homework!  They completed all of the lessons.

Monday - Music, Library
Tuesday - P.E.
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music, Guidance
Friday - P.E., Library, Spelling Test

Star Student - Alyssa Licht

Thanks and have a great week!

Friday, May 5, 2017

May 8-12

This week will be a busy, busy week!!!  Just a couple of housekeeping items before we reach the end of the year....

1.  Please check book bags and clean out any papers, etc.

2.  Have your child check around the house for books that belong to me that they may have left at home from their reading bag.  I have quite a few missing.

On Tuesday afternoon, we will be going to Swan Lake for a field trip.

On Friday afternoon, we will be going to Toyne's in Breda for another field trip.

We have talked about what it looks like to go on a field trip.  We will represent ourselves as Carroll Tigers and be Respectful, Responsible and Safe.  Please remind your child to be a great listener because they will learn a lot of very cool things.! :)

The students have officially graduated from Making Words Homework!!!  I am sure they will be thrilled with that news!  So there will be no Making Words Homework anymore!  It will be hit and miss for reading bag homework next week because of the early out and field trips.

Reading - summarize, compare and contrast, phonemic awareness, fluency, classify/categorize

Vocabulary - newborn, mature, process, remain, slender

Spelling - Week 29
Bonus:  newborn

Math - Review and finishing up double digit addition and subtraction

Science - plants

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Swan Lake Field Trip
Wednesday - Music, Guidance, Early Out
Thursday - P.E.
Friday - Art, Spelling Test, Toyne's Field Trip

Star Student WesLee Onken!

Have a great week!

Sunday, April 30, 2017

May 1 - 5

This is a partial update. :)  I forgot my reading manual this weekend to do the reading portion.  I'll update that tomorrow.  Please see last week's post about field trip days and times.

Your child's report from the Iowa Assessments will be coming home this week as well as their FAST Benchmarking scores.  The kids worked SO HARD and I am VERY proud of them!  We will keep working hard for the rest of the year!

Reading - fluency, comprehension, pronouns, classify and categorize, commas, phonemic awareness

Spelling - Week 28
Bonus: equipment

Vocabulary - profession, equipment, duty, satisfaction, thorough, interesting, ordinary

Writing - review opinion, informative, narrative

Math - two digit addition and subtraction

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Guidance, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Making Words Homework
Friday - Music, Library

Star Student - Willis Overmohle

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Week of April 24-28

I hope everyone enjoyed their Spring Break!  The countdown has begun and we are hoping for nice weather from here on out!  In May, we will be taking quite a few field trips.  Here are the dates for those:

Tuesday, May 9th - Swan Lake - We leave at 12:30 and return at 2:30.  Matt will be taking us on a hike and teaching us about different animals that live in the park.

Friday, May 12th - Toyne's in Breda - We will leave at 12:45 and return at 2:25.  We will tour the factory and see how fire trucks are made.

Tuesday, May 23rd - Quandt's and the Recycling Center - We leave at 8:45 and return at 10:15.  We will take a bus ride through Quandt's and watch the different machines and learn about how they recycle different parts of cars, trucks, etc.  They even smash a bus or camper for us.  (Best part!!) We then will tour the Recycling Center.

Thursday, May 25th - Northwest Park Class Picnic - We tentatively have this scheduled.  The school board is supposed to vote on what the last day of school will be so this may change.  More info. on this later....

If you would like to meet us at any of these field trips, just let me know!

This week:

Reading - fluency, predictions, phonemic awareness, pausing for punctuation, context clues, retell, proper nouns

Spelling - See Week 27
Bonus: discover

Writing - review opinion, narrative and informational writing

Vocabulary - discover, mysterious, dusk, pale, scatter, helmet, space, guess, fooling

Math - Two digit addition ( I am also working with small groups on specific skills that are not mastered yet).

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., Making Words
Wednesday - Art, Early Out
Thursday - Music, Library, Making Words, I will have a sub because I will be administering the spring FAST reading assessment.  I will get those final scores to you soon after.
Friday - P.E, Matt from Swan Lake visits.

Lauren Becker

Thanks and have a great week!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Week of April 10th and Week of April 17th

The kids did a great job at the music program!  It's always fun to see what they have been working on.

We will be splitting our reading chapter between this week and the following week.  So we will not have our spelling test until Friday, April 21st.

Reading - fluency, phonemic awareness, capitalization, punctuation, drawing conclusions

Vocabulary - blend, feature, dull, flutter, swift, searching, clues, invisible

Spelling - See week 26
Bonus:  flutter

Writing - personal narrative, opinions, informational

Math - Finishing chapter on graphing and interpreting data and beginning chapter on two digit addition

Science - Day and Night

Monday - Art, I will be gone to a leadership meeting all day so there will be a sub
Tuesday - Music, Guidance, Making Words
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Early Out
Friday - No School

Monday - No School
Tuesday - No School
Wednesday - Music, Library
Thursday - P.E., Making Words
Friday - Art, Spelling Test

Star Student - Nolan Stitz

Thanks and enjoy the break!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Week of April 3 - 7

I am very proud of the student's and the effort they put into the Iowa Assessments!  It is not easy but they persevered and tried their best!  We were able to get all the tests done but math computation.  We will be doing this portion on Monday morning.  We will be back on schedule the rest of the week!

On Tuesday evening, the students will have their music program.  It begins at 6:30 but students need to be there by 6:15.  They will come to my classroom and I will line them up for the program.

Reading - phonemic awareness, fluency, synonyms/antonyms, context clues

Vocabulary - nutritious, cultivate, blossom, plentiful, stubborn, crowded, part, tiny

Writing - Reviewing personal narrative, opinion, informational

Spelling - See Week 25
Bonus - plentiful

Math - Graphing

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., Making Words, Music Program at 6:30
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music, Library, Making Words
Friday - P.E., Spelling Test

Star Student - Sophie Hoevelkamp

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of March 27-31

Dear Parents,

This week is Iowa Assessments Week.  On Monday and Tuesday I will be out of the classroom because the Leadership Team is in a Department of Education visit for those two days.  When I return on Wednesday, I will begin testing.  We will test in the morning and the students will receive a snack. On Friday, the whole first grade will have a party to celebrate the end of testing.  I may have to carry a couple of tests over into next week because of my Monday and Tuesday meetings.  We will just see how it goes....

We will have a review week in reading and will NOT have a spelling test on Friday.  We will have Making Words homework ONLY on Tuesday.

Math - Finishing Chapter 7 and beginning a new chapter on graphing and data collection

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - Music, Library, Iowa Assessments
Thursday - P.E., Matt from Swan Lake visits, Iowa Assessments
Friday - Art, Party, Iowa Assessments

Star Student - Harley Harms

Thanks!  Have a great week!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I enjoyed meeting with everyone at conferences.  Thank you for all of your support!

Reading - inferences, questioning, phonemic awareness, word parts/inflectional endings

Spelling - Week 24
Bonus: admire

Vocabulary - admire, challenging, charity, focus, offer, errand, instead, suddenly

Writing - personal narratives

Math - Greater Than/Less Than

Science - Anjanette Treadway comes to visit

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Library, Making Words Homework, Science with Anjanette
Wednesday - P.E., Early Out
Thursday - Art, Making Words Homework
Friday - Music, Guidance, Spelling Test

Star Student - Pyper Knowles

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week of March 13-17 Conference Week

This week is conference week!  I look forward to meeting with each of you.  There will be no Making Words homework this week due to two early outs and Friday off.  I will try to get each reading group done on the early out days but can't promise!  We will have a spelling test on Thursday.

Reading - cause and effect, questions, phonemic awareness, fluency, compare and contrast

Spelling - See Week 23
Bonus: benefit

Vocabulary - ingenuity, determination, benefit, simple, thrilled, discovery, machine

Writing - narratives using transition words

Math - Finish Chapter 6 Place Value

Monday - Art, Early Out, Conferences
Tuesday - Music, Guidance
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Early Out, Conferences, Spelling Test
Friday - No School

No Star Student this week

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week of March 6-10

We had a fun Dr. Seuss week last week!  The outfits on career day were great!  We will be back on schedule this week.  I sent spelling lists home Friday.

****Conferences are next Monday, March 13 and Thursday, March 16th.  I look forward to visiting with you!  I have most of the blue conference notes back.  If you did not receive yours, please let me know and I will email you your time.

***I will be doing quite a few assessments this week for conferences and the end of 3rd quarter.

Reading - visualize, problem and solution, adjectives, phonemic awareness, word parts, inflectional endings, character/setting

Vocabulary - ascend, drift, approach, quarrel, view, laughter, meadow, perhaps

Spelling - Week 22
Bonus - perhaps

Math - Continuing Chapter 6 - Place Value and Numbers to 120

Science - Anjanette will visit on Tuesday morning!

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., Making Words, Science with Anjanette
Wednesday - Art, Early Out
Thursday - Music, Library, Making Words
Friday - P.E., Spelling Test

Star Student - Laith Hedeen

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Week of February 27th

This week will be a review week so there will be no spelling test on Friday.  We are going to be doing a Dr. Seuss celebration all week.  Each first grade teacher will do a different Dr. Seuss activity with the students.  The students will rotate through a different first grade classroom each day.

We also have a special "dress up" week planned.  Here is the schedule:

Monday, February 27:  Wear a hat. … (The Cat in the Hat)
Tuesday, February 28: Wear red, white & black like ...( The Cat in the Hat Comes Back!
Wednesday, March 1: Wear Crazy Socks.(Wacky Wednesday and The Foot Book)
Thursday, March 2: Dress for the job you’d like to have when you grow up. (Oh the Place You’ll Go) Read Across America Day 8:30 - 8:45.
Friday, March 3:  Pajama Day… (I am NOT Going to Get Up Today!)
Reading - Review Week

Spelling - No spelling words this week

Writing - personal narratives

Math - Chapter 6 Number Concepts

Monday - P.E., Conference Notes Go Home (Please sign and return)
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Music, Library
Thursday - P.E.
Friday - Art

Star Student - Bri'Niyah Wells

Monday, February 20, 2017

Week of February 20th

Sorry I did not get this out yesterday! I hope everyone has been enjoying the nice weather.  It looks like a change is coming Friday!

Reading - phonemic awareness, fantasy and reality, adjectives, fluency, capitalizing proper nouns, captions

Vocabulary - creative, talent, marvelous, original, shrewd, firm, supposed

Spelling - See Week 21
Bonus - creative

Writing - Personal Narratives using First, Then, Next and Last

Math - Finishing Chapter Five and taking test on Tuesday, Starting Chapter 6

Science - Anjanette is coming Tuesday morning.

Monday - Music, Library
Tuesday - P.E., Science with Anjanette, Making Words Homework, Math Test
Wednesday - Art, Early Out
Thursday - Music, Guidance, Making Words Homework
Friday - P.E., Matt from Swan Lake, Spelling Test

Star Student - Ethan Smith

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

February 13-17

Happy Valentine's Week!  This is one of my favorite parties for the students.  They love the ice cream sundae's and handing out their cards.  We will have our party on Tuesday, February 14th at 12:10. Thanks to those who are donating items to the party!

Reading - summarize, plot, contractions with not, phonemic awareness, using context clues, drawing conclusions

Spelling - See Week 20
Bonus:  permit

Vocabulary - predicament, solution, dare, humble, permit, glared, haste

Writing - Final drafts of personal narratives

Math - Addition and subtraction strategies


Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Valentine's Party, No Homework
Wednesday - Music, Guidance
Thursday - P.E., Making Words Homework
Friday - Art, Spelling Test

Star Student - Domonik

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Week of February 6-10

Dear Parents,

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  I have a few football lovers in the classroom and they teach me a lot about the sport so I am anxious to hear what they have to say tomorrow about the game.  Nolan has provided many football pictures for my wall! :)

Agenda for this week:

Reading - summarize, inferences, fluency, phonemic awareness, reading captions

Vocabulary - investigate, curious, career, fascinating, improve

Spelling - See Week 19
Bonus:  investigate

Writing - Personal Narrative

Science (STEM) - Last Beebot lesson for coding and algorithms

Math - Beginning Chapter 5 Addition and Subtraction Relationships

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Guidance, Making Words
Wednesday - P.E., Early Out
Thursday - Art, Making Words, Beebot Lesson
Friday - Music, Library, Spelling Test

Star Student - Pyper Knowles

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week of January 30th

I hope everyone had a restful weekend!  On Tuesday, we will be celebrating our 100th day of school. This is always a very fun day for the students.  We will have a rotation where the students will go to each of the first grade classrooms for a different 100th day activity.

In my classroom, they can bring 100 items.  Examples are: pennies, cereal, cotton balls, Legos, candy, etc.  We will be counting these items different ways.  Please have your child bring their items in a Ziploc baggy.  We will also be making a Fruit Loop necklace with 100 Fruit Loops.  Those are always fun to munch on!

The weather looks decent this week!  Just remember to send your child with the appropriate gear if they want to play in the snow.  The students have done a pretty good job keeping track of their gloves and hats this year!  I make them clean out everything in their lockers on Fridays so they don't accumulate much.  If your child is missing something, we have a couple of lost and found tables outside of the office to check.

This week:

Reading - phonemic awareness, compare and contrast, fluency, capitalize proper nouns, text structure

Spelling - Week 18
Bonus:  forecast

Vocabulary - conditions, forecast, breeze, commotion, tranquil

Writing - Personal Narrative

Math - Finishing Chapter 4 and beginning Chapter 5 (Addition and Subtraction Relationships)

Science - Matt from Swan Lake visits

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., 100th Day Festivities, No Making Words Homework, Matt from Swan Lake
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music, Making Words, Library
Friday - P.E., Dental Presentation

*******Valentine List********  I'll send home a hard copy later as well.  I will also let you know via email if you have signed up for the Valentine's Ice Cream Sundae Party.

Star Student - Gavin Decker

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Week of January 23rd

Dear Parents,

We had a lot of fun learning how to program the Beebots with algorithms.  We will be doing that this week as well!  I posted a bunch of pictures on Instagram if you are interested in looking. mrsrobertsfirsties is the name of my our class' Instagram page.  It is a private account so you will have to ask to join.

I benchmarked all students on Thursday.  I will be sending a copy home of their scores this week with report cards.  Please look to see their growth from Fall to Winter.  I am very proud of all of their hard work.  We have a lot more work to do, so we will keep pressing on!

This week:

Reading - drawing conclusions, fluency, phonemic awareness, context clues, syntax and semantics, predictions, punctuation

Vocabulary - recycle, waste, inspire, resourceful, structure

Spelling - Week 17
Bonus:  inspire

Writing - Learning how to write a personal narrative using transition words

Science - using algorithms to program a robot

Math - Subtraction strategies (I sent home a practice packet that goes with the chapter.  You can use this for extra practice at home).

Star Student - Brittany Tornow

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Making Words
Wednesday - Music, Library, Early Out
Thursday - P.E., Making Words, Report Cards Go Home, Science with Robots
Friday - Art, Spelling Test

Thanks and have a great week!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Week of January 9

After a whole week of inside recess, here's hoping the temps warm up this week so the kids can burn off some energy!  We used GoNoodle (guided dancing website) a lot this past week to get the wiggles out!

I sent home the Making Words homework Friday instead of Thursday.  As I had stated in last week's blog, we had to squeeze a lot into 4 days!  That may happen again this week but I will do the best I can to get them in on Tuesday and Thursday!

Reading - phonemic awareness, inferences, fluency, using was and were, main idea and details, capitalize proper nouns, inflectional endings -er, -est

Vocabulary - group, behavior, plead, soar, vivid

Spelling - See week 16
Bonus: vivid

Writing - journaling

Science - Anjanette Treadway is coming to teach students how to program a robot!

Math - Finishing up our chapter on addition strategies

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., Science with Anjanette, Making Words
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music, Library, Making Words, Spelling Test

Again, I will be doing some assessments this week for report cards.

Star Student - Steven Heuton

Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Week of January 3

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a restful break full of family and fun!  A big THANK YOU to all who donated items to our Winter Party.  They kids had a great time!  Our next party will be the Valentine's Party.  We have an ice cream sundae party that is always a great time!  News on that party later...

We will be ready to hit the ground running tomorrow.  With it being a short week, we have to fit five days worth of learning into four.  The spelling words are beginning to be more difficult so extra practice might be needed at home along with the practice we do at school.  A great website you can use for extra practice at home is  You can create an account and enter our spelling words and it will create different activities for your child to do.

During the next two weeks I will be assessing for second quarter report cards.  The end of the quarter is January 12th.  I will be reviewing different skills this week to refresh their memories.

In a few weeks I will be administering the Winter FAST assessment.  I shared the Fall Benchmark scores with you all at conferences.  The benchmarks to be met this winter are:

41 words per minute
48 sight words per minute
15 nonsense words per minute
30 sounds for word segmenting

The best way to help your child achieve these goals are to listen to them read each night.  Complete the Making Words homework with your child every Tuesday and Thursday.  Practice the 50 sight words on the white piece of paper located in your child's reading bag (students who have met the goal already won't have this in their bag).  If your child has anything extra in their reading bag, please listen to them read it.

My goal is to never make your child "read as fast as they can."  I always tell my students to read like they are talking.  Paying attention to punctuation and the meaning of the story is all a part of reading fluently for comprehension.  Our primary purpose in reading is understanding what we read so accuracy is very important.  A lot of times students will read at a slower pace while they are trying to become accurate.  Accuracy comes before fluency.  So....with that being said, if your child makes a mistake while reading, here a few things you can say to help them along:

Try that again.
Did that make sense?
Did that sound right?
What was this page about? (If they can't tell you, they can go back and reread the page)  Do this sparingly (maybe once a book) as you don't want to stop the flow too much.  If it's a shorter book, just ask them what was the story about?

Not all words can be sounded out so telling them to sound it out may not always work.  Many times they correct a mistake by using meaning to help them figure out a word.  I also teach them to read in phrases rather than word by word.  One way to prompt for this is to tell your child, "Put that all together."  You can use this prompt if you hear them reading word by word.

These are just a few tips that may help you at home!  Thanks for all you do to help your child!  It's true that it takes a village. :)

This week:

Reviewing rules and expectations.  We will practice some of our routines to make sure the classroom flows smoothly after being gone. :)  We will also talk about the word "perseverance" and how sometimes things may be difficult but we have to keep trying.

Reading - questions, character and setting, phonemic awareness, triple consonant blends, contractions

Spelling - See Week 15
Bonus Word - support

Vocabulary - connection, support, possessions, relief, typical

Math - addition strategies and concepts (making a ten, decomposing numbers, adding three numbers, doubles plus 1)

Monday - No School
Tuesday - Art, Making Words
Wednesday - Music, Library
Thursday - P.E., Making Words
Friday - Art, Spelling Test, Timed Test

Star Student - Ella Melone

Thanks and here's to a great 2017!