Sunday, November 20, 2016

Week of November 21st

It will be a short week this week!  No spelling test and we will resume the reading series after Thanksgiving Break.  That leaves us some time to do some things we don't always have time for! Mrs. Schultz will be coming Monday to teach the students how to code.  They always love learning how to do this.

We will have reading groups but I won't be sending books home because they have a tendency to get lost over long breaks.  I also won't send the next list of spelling words home until next week.  You can still see the Week 12 spelling words on the blog by clicking on "Spelling."

For math we will continue our chapter on subtraction.  If you haven't already checked out Xtra Math and set your child up using the Xtra Math information sheet I sent home, take a look at it.  It is great practice for math facts.  Now that we have our addition unit under our belt, I will be giving a timed test each Friday.  There are different levels and when a student gets a 100% they get to move to the next level.

Monday - Art, Coding
Tuesday - Music, Guidance

No Star Student during this short week.  :)

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and enjoy all of your family and friends!!

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