Sunday, March 26, 2017

Week of March 27-31

Dear Parents,

This week is Iowa Assessments Week.  On Monday and Tuesday I will be out of the classroom because the Leadership Team is in a Department of Education visit for those two days.  When I return on Wednesday, I will begin testing.  We will test in the morning and the students will receive a snack. On Friday, the whole first grade will have a party to celebrate the end of testing.  I may have to carry a couple of tests over into next week because of my Monday and Tuesday meetings.  We will just see how it goes....

We will have a review week in reading and will NOT have a spelling test on Friday.  We will have Making Words homework ONLY on Tuesday.

Math - Finishing Chapter 7 and beginning a new chapter on graphing and data collection

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - Music, Library, Iowa Assessments
Thursday - P.E., Matt from Swan Lake visits, Iowa Assessments
Friday - Art, Party, Iowa Assessments

Star Student - Harley Harms

Thanks!  Have a great week!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I enjoyed meeting with everyone at conferences.  Thank you for all of your support!

Reading - inferences, questioning, phonemic awareness, word parts/inflectional endings

Spelling - Week 24
Bonus: admire

Vocabulary - admire, challenging, charity, focus, offer, errand, instead, suddenly

Writing - personal narratives

Math - Greater Than/Less Than

Science - Anjanette Treadway comes to visit

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Library, Making Words Homework, Science with Anjanette
Wednesday - P.E., Early Out
Thursday - Art, Making Words Homework
Friday - Music, Guidance, Spelling Test

Star Student - Pyper Knowles

Thanks and have a great week!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Week of March 13-17 Conference Week

This week is conference week!  I look forward to meeting with each of you.  There will be no Making Words homework this week due to two early outs and Friday off.  I will try to get each reading group done on the early out days but can't promise!  We will have a spelling test on Thursday.

Reading - cause and effect, questions, phonemic awareness, fluency, compare and contrast

Spelling - See Week 23
Bonus: benefit

Vocabulary - ingenuity, determination, benefit, simple, thrilled, discovery, machine

Writing - narratives using transition words

Math - Finish Chapter 6 Place Value

Monday - Art, Early Out, Conferences
Tuesday - Music, Guidance
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Early Out, Conferences, Spelling Test
Friday - No School

No Star Student this week

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week of March 6-10

We had a fun Dr. Seuss week last week!  The outfits on career day were great!  We will be back on schedule this week.  I sent spelling lists home Friday.

****Conferences are next Monday, March 13 and Thursday, March 16th.  I look forward to visiting with you!  I have most of the blue conference notes back.  If you did not receive yours, please let me know and I will email you your time.

***I will be doing quite a few assessments this week for conferences and the end of 3rd quarter.

Reading - visualize, problem and solution, adjectives, phonemic awareness, word parts, inflectional endings, character/setting

Vocabulary - ascend, drift, approach, quarrel, view, laughter, meadow, perhaps

Spelling - Week 22
Bonus - perhaps

Math - Continuing Chapter 6 - Place Value and Numbers to 120

Science - Anjanette will visit on Tuesday morning!

Monday - Music, Guidance
Tuesday - P.E., Making Words, Science with Anjanette
Wednesday - Art, Early Out
Thursday - Music, Library, Making Words
Friday - P.E., Spelling Test

Star Student - Laith Hedeen

Thanks and have a great week!