Saturday, October 29, 2016

Week of October 31st

***Monday will be our Fall Party!  We still have a need for a healthy snack if someone would like to send that.  Just let me know if you can.  Thanks!

We had a fun time learning a new fluency song this week!  Shake It Off by Taylor Swift was a hit. We learned the first two verses and chorus and went and performed it on Thursday and Friday.  The students enjoyed showing off their reading skills around the school!  We plan on doing more songs in the future!

Reading - phonemic awareness, visualize and retell, proper nouns, author's purpose, capitalize proper nouns, contractions

Vocabulary - entertain, perform, audience, brilliant, enjoy

Spelling - See week 9
Bonus: perform

Writing - Informative writing

Math - Addition Concepts

Last week I made a mistake who was the Star Student

Collin was our Star Student last week

This week our Star Student is Aspen

Monday - Art, Fall Party, NO READING HOMEWORK
Tuesday - Music, Library, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Science with Anjanette Treadway, Making Words Homework
Friday - Music, Guidance

Have a great week!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Week of October 24th

Glad to be back and ready to get organized from having a sub for three days!  It looks like she didn't get Making Words home on Thursday.  We will have Making Words this Tuesday and Thursday.  I will be assessing students this week on standards we have covered for the report card.  It will be a busy week for sure!

Reading - summarize, main idea and details, phonemic awareness, irregular plural nouns, digraphs sh and th, punctuation, building words with -ing

Vocabulary - habitat, survive, powerful, rare, wade

Spelling - See Week 8
Bonus - powerful

Math - addition concepts

Writing - starting nonfiction unit by comparing facts and opinions, journal writing

Monday - No School
Tuesday - Gym
Wednesday - Art, Matt from Swan Lake
Thursday - Music, Guidance
Friday - P.E.

We will have our Fall Party on Monday, October 31st.  We have 22 students.  Here are the people who signed up for things to bring:

Sweet Snack - Collin Vonnahme
Juice Boxes - Alyssa Licht
Napkins - Michael Kendall
Party Favors -
Healthy Snack -

As you can see, we have a need for party favors and a healthy snack.  If you can donate these items, please let me know.  Thanks!!

    Star Student - Michael Kendall

Thanks and have a great week!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Week of October 17th

Thank you all for coming to conferences!  We are back on schedule this week.  I will be gone to Des Moines for a conference Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week.  Please send a note with your child for the substitute if they go home a different way any of those days as I will not be able to get a message to her if you email me.  Sometimes it is hard for students when the teacher is gone that many days.  It is hard for me to leave them!  I leave very detailed lesson plans so they can stick to the same routine as much as possible.

This week is Positive Behavior and Safe Schools Week.  There are some different dress up days.  See below:

Monday - Bucket Filler Day - Wear orange
Tuesday - Pledge Day - Wear blue
Wednesday - Live a Healthy Life Day - Wear red
Thursday - Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful Day - Wear mismatched clothes
Friday - Black Out Bullying Day - Wear black

Reading - identify and generate rhyme, plural nouns, summarize, retell, character and setting, punctuation, contractions n't, fluency

Vocabulary - responsibility, cooperate, appreciate, partner, scrumptious

Writing - opinion writing assessment

Spelling - week 7
Bonus Word:  partner

Math - Telling Time and Chapter 9 Test

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Guidance, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - P.E. (I will be gone)
Thursday - Art (I will be gone), Making Words Homework, Science with Anjanette
Friday - Music, Library (I will be gone), Spelling Test

Monday the 24th NO SCHOOL

Star Student - Lauren Becker

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Week of Oct. 10th

Due to conferences and the short week, there will be no spelling words this week!  We will be reviewing and doing some seasonal activities.  Reading bag homework will be hit or miss because of the early outs.  I may be able to only fit in two groups on the early out days.  Please check your child's folder each night to see if they have their bag.  We will only do one Making Words homework activity this week.  I will send that home on Tuesday night.  I am really impressed with the words the students are making with their letters!  One little guy was so proud this week he had filled up the front and had words on the back!

If you haven't already, download the Instagram app and follow our class at mrsrobertsfirsties.  We have some great pictures of different things going on in the classroom!  I would hate for you to miss it!

Reading - Review

Spelling - Review

Writing - Opinion Writing, Report and Craft on Bats

Math - Measuring with nonstandard units and telling time
We also practice daily addition facts to 10 and equality.

Monday - P.E., Early Out Conferences
Tuesday - Art, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - Music, Library
Thursday - P.E., Early Out Conferences
Friday - No School

Please let me know if your child is going home a different way on the early out days.  Thank you!

Star Student - Zetta Noble

Thanks and have a great week!  I look forward to meeting with you this week!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week of October 3rd

Sorry I did not get the blog updated last week.  There may be a time or two that happens but usually I have it done every Sunday.  Last week was a very busy week in the classroom!  We had a beautiful day for the apple orchard!  Thank you to all of the parents who attended and also the parents who donated apples for our apple tasting on Friday.  The kids munched on them for a long time!  I also enjoyed seeing them dressed in all black on Friday to help celebrated my big 40th birthday!  Lots of black decorations appeared in my room mysteriously as well.

I did send home a Making Words homework sheet on Friday.  With the field trip on Tuesday and early out on Wednesday, we were a little behind this week.

This week we will be back on a regular schedule.

Reading - summarize, main idea and details, phonemic awareness, fluency, nouns, punctuation, rhythmic patterns,

Spelling - see Week 6 spelling words
Bonus Word:  provide

Vocabulary - provide, protect, guide, separate, wild

Writing - We just finished up the final draft of their opinion piece titled The Tooth Fairy vs Santa Claus

Math - Measurement

Science - Our monarch butterfly hatched out over the weekend!  We will let it go tomorrow. Anjanette Treadway is coming this Thursday to start a science unit called Rolling Things!

Star Student last week was Nolan Stitz!

Star Student this week is Caden Klocke!

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Library, Making Words Homework
Wednesday - P.E.
Thursday - Art, Making Words Homework
Friday - Music, Guidance, Spelling Test

A look ahead:  Week of October 10th is Parent Teacher Conferences.  I look forward to meeting with you!

Have a great week!