Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of September 19th

Homecoming Week!!!!

Monday - Favorite Team Day (Wear your favorite team shirt)
Tuesday - Wear Blue
Wednesday - Beach Day (No swimsuits or flip flops)
Thursday - Backwards Day
Friday - Spirit Day (Wear Orange and Black)

Reading - character and setting, questions/exclamations, possessives 's, story structure

Vocabulary - train, needs, adorable, dear, sensible

Spelling - See Week 4 Spelling Words
Bonus Word:  train

Writing - Opinion Writing

Math - 2D Shapes

*****Star Student Sophie******

Monday - P.E.
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Music, Guidance
Thursday - P.E.
Friday - Art, Homecoming Parade, Spelling Test

A Look Ahead......Deal's Apple Orchard Field Trip Tuesday, September 27th, Leaving Fairview at 12:15 and returning by 2:30.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

We are hoping for some butterflies this week!  I am guessing by Thursday or Friday we may see some action.  We have a few things going on this week:

1.  Picture day is Tuesday, September 13th.  We will be taking pictures around 9 in the morning.
2.  Wednesday is our first early out.  Please let me know if your child is going home a different way.
3.  Matt from Swan Lake will be visiting Monday.

Last week your child brought home their reading bags for homework.  We did not have reading homework over the weekend and will not have it on early out days.  Please ask for your child's reading bag the nights we have homework and have them read their book to you.  Please sign the gold paper on the inside of the bag.  Please make sure your child gets the reading bag back in their backpack each night even if you didn't get to the reading so they can have their book for the next day.

I also sent a few informational papers in their reading bags for tips on reading and how to help your child.  We will continue with Making Words homework every Tuesday and Thursday nights.  The students are bringing back great words on their papers!  Make it a goal to try to fill every blank with words.

Our field trip to Deal's Orchard is tentatively set for Tuesday, September 20th.  We are just waiting on the bus request to be approved.  If you would like to meet us in Jefferson at the orchard that day, we will be arriving approximately 12:45 and will be staying until 2:00.  Please let me know if you will be coming.  The students will get to go on a hayride, pick a pumpkin and get a few other goodies.

This week:

Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music, Guidance, Picture Day
Wednesday - P.E., Early Out
Thursday - Art, (I will have a substitute because I will be benchmarking students)
Friday - Music, Library

Star Student - Michael Kendall

Reading - text structure, sequence of events, onset and rime, statements, phonemic awareness, fluency

Vocabulary - change, learn, adult, imitate, practice

Spelling Words - Click on link to see week 3
Bonus Word - imitate

Writing - Opinion

Math - 2D Shapes

Science - Life Cycle of a Caterpillar

Thanks and have a great week!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Week of September 5th

We had a great first, full week of school!  By Friday, the students were doing the center rotations like pros. We will continue to practice routines and procedures this week.  Our word last week was, "Focus." Understanding what listening and focusing looks like and sounds like is an important part of the learning process.  Making sure our eyes are on the teacher and we are thinking about what is going on helps to promote understanding.  This can be tough at times after coming back from summer break but I have seen great improvements!

We have sorted all first grade students into a Tiger Time group.  They will travel to a teacher for 20 minutes who will teach reading skills that need to be practiced.  Some groups will be working on enrichment activities and other groups will be working on skills that may need more practice.  These groupings are part of a differentiated curriculum to meet your child's specific needs.

Currently, I am working on a field trip to Deal's Apple Orchard for later this month.  I will let you know as soon as I have the dates set!  Always a great field trip!
Star Student for this week is:  Alyssa Licht
Star students can bring show and tell every day their week.

Reading - Story Structure, Sequence of Events, Onset and Rime, Fluency, Phonemic Awareness, Punctuation

Writing - Opinion Writing

Vocabulary - movement, express, energy, exhausted, stretch

Spelling - Week 2 - see link to the right
Bonus Word - stretch

Math - 3D Shapes

Science - Life Cycle of a Butterfly

***Remember - Making Words homework is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Your child will bring home a half sheet of paper with letters stapled to the paper.  Take out the staple and have your child make as many words as they can and write each one on the paper.  We will have already done the mystery word together and wrote it on the paper.  Please return this paper with your child the next day so I can check it off in my grade book.  No need to send the letters back.  Thank you!

***Reading bag homework starts tomorrow.  Your child will bring home a plastic reading bag with a book and parent log inside.  There will also be some information on reading in the bag.  Please review the information and take out of the bag.  Leave the gold parent log in the bag.  Have your child read their book to you and sign.  Please send back the bag with the book and the log every day. Reading bag homework is a huge part of first grade.  Thank you for your time and support on this!

Monday - No School
Tuesday - P.E.
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music, Library
Friday - P.E., Spelling Test

A Look Ahead - Picture day is Tuesday, September 13th

Remember to follow us on Instagram!  mrsrobertsfirsties

A few of our caterpillars have made their chrysalis' over the long weekend!!

Thank you and have a great week!